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Violent Storms and  Hurricanes


Bomb Blasts

Theft, Intruders and Vandals

Solar Heat and Ultraviolet

Safety Success

Commercial Film

Commercial Installation

Occupants of the
Rebuplic Bank building in Florida
are more comfortable after the installation of
30,00 square feet of
Solar Gard window film.

Taking Care Of Business

Whether you own a retail shop, restaurant, hotel chain or large office complex, Solar Gard® window films provide business owners and facility managers with an economical way to improve their bottom line. Not only does window film enhance building appearance and improve occupant comfort, it dramatically increases energy efficiency - reducing operating expenses year after year.


Improved Efficiency & Comfort
By rejecting up to 82 percent of the sun’s total solar energy, Solar Gard window films for commercial applications help reduce energy bills and chiller run time. Additionally, comfort levels will be significantly improved with the reduction of uncomfortable hot spots and annoying glare. You’ll see an immediate return on your investment plus, your employees and customers will thank you.

The U.S. Department of Energy in Washington, D.C. had over 80,000 square feet of 8 Mil solar safety window film installed. This improves the energy efficiency while adding a new safety measure to the building.

Reduced Fading
The sun’s ultraviolet is a major contributor to the fading of draperies, carpets and storefront display items. That’s why you need Solar Gard window films. They reject almost 100 percent of the sun’s harmful and damaging ultraviolet light, helping to prolong the life of your furnishings and valuables.


Increased Safety
Standard 2 mil Solar Gard films provide an increased measure of shatter resistance to windows and glass doors because the film and it's special mounting adhesive helps hold glass fragments in place. However, if safety and security are paramount concerns, most dealers also offer
Armorcoat®, a series of tough, shatter resistant window films available in 4 to 14 mil thicknesses.

Solar Gard and Armorcoat films are professionally installed with minimal disturbance to business or office routine.

Improved Appearance
Regardless of architectural design, Solar Gard window films installed on commercial buildings are the most cost-effective way to rejuvenate a property’s exterior appearance. A variety of shades, colors and performance levels are available and can easily be coordinated with a property’s interior or exterior for a more contemporary look.

Insist On Solar Gard Quality
All Solar Gard and Armorgard brand window films are made with only the best raw materials and the most advanced manufacturing techniques. All Solar Gard films are made with a special scratch resistant coating called Durogard®, which is designed to keep the film looking new for years to come. And to back it up, all window films manufactured by Bekaert Specialty Films, LLC carry the strongest product warranty coverage available for commercial applications.